New Feature: Ability to embed Tweets

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New Feature: Ability to embed Tweets

Postby elneilios » November 24th, 2021, 9:00 pm

Hello everyone,

I've just added something new and shiny to the messageboard that I personally have wanted to be able to do as a member for a while. That is the ability to embed a tweet directly into your posts! I believe this will be a nice feature for when the club announces the team sheet ahead of a game as they now use a graphic rather than text so will be nice to share that here on matchday threads.

It's very simple to use following these steps:
  1. Copy the URL for the tweet you want to embed, should be in the form of: I find the easiest way to do this is to click on the little timestamp for the tweet and then copy and pasting the URL from the browser
  2. In your forum post you can click the button labelled "tweet" after which you simply paste the URL!

And that's it! Here's one I made earlier as an example of how to do it and what it looks like:
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Re: New Feature: Ability to embed Tweets

Postby elneilios » August 12th, 2024, 5:18 pm

I've now replaced the [tweet] BBCode for [x] BBCode, usage is exactly the same as before except you can now supply URLs with

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